to improve your mental health
I’m diagnosed with bipolar disorder, characterised by extreme mood swings. These can range from extreme highs (mania) to extreme lows (depression). Episodes of mania and depression often last for several weeks or months.
I would like to share five of my top tips with you that can help you manage and improve your mental health or stress
Talk about your feelings over coffee/tea at a coffee shop
Avoiding social contact is a common pattern you might notice when falling into depression. During my episodes of depression. I tend to isolate myself and stay at home and this is not healthy, so I created this tip #CoffeeWithBellaRareworld which can also help you too, just add your name. I don’t have many friends but I feel blessed to have two very close friends who also make me laugh over coffee, which is a bonus to release powerful essential endorphins to lift my mood.
✓ Find a close person to share your feelings over coffee/tea
✓ Try to choose a coffee shop location to travel to because this will
encourage you to get out of your home isolated environment
✓ Share your feelings because it always feels like a weight has been lifted.
For some reason, I always feel better and it does
Seminar Event; Monday 17th Feb, St Paul’s London, UK
I’m hosting an event seminar sharing my tips on creating a support network over coffee, see more info on my events page.
Last week, I went for coffee last week following this WhatsApps Text
Finding a close person to share your feelings is about quality and not quantity
Better Sleep
According to Mind Charity, there's a close relationship between sleep and mental health and I really agree.
Sleep management has always been a hot topic. I know from past experience how important it is to ensure your body receives sufficient time to rest to recharge. Admittedly, it took me a while to get there but I’m pleased to share, I’m finally disciplined mangmening my sleep.
Before bedtime
✓ I light a candle
✓ I make yo-do list for the next day
✓ I never bring my phone into my bedroom
Keep your phone away from your bed 30 minutes before you go to sleep
Drink more water
Water & hydration is important for Mental Health reported by Australian Institute of Family Counselling. From childhood, my mother was very strict with regards to my sugar intake, so I’m a big fan of drinking water. Fizzy drinks cordial,squash really don’t interest me.
Water the purest beverage to wash away your toxic and clear your brain. I also find water is the best tool to rehydrate myself in seconds. Water also has zero calories so it great for weight loss.
Other essential benefits of drinking water:
✓ carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells
✓ flushing bacteria from your bladder
✓ aiding digestion
✓ preventing constipation
✓ normalizing blood pressure
✓ stabilizing the heartbeat
✓ cushioning joints
✓ protecting organs and tissues
✓ regulating body temperature
✓ maintaining electrolyte (sodium) balance.
If you can’t bear to drink water add fresh fruit e.g. slice of lemon, melons, strawberries because it will give a sweeter taste
Reward yourself
✓ Get a separate diary and dedicate to personal rewards
✓ Plan you treats and rewards 2-3 weeks in advance so that you always have something booked.
As a busy entrepreneur and Speaker, it was not uncommon that I would skip lunch breaks and work long hours. I feel blessed that I have finally created a bullet proof reward system. London is one of the greatest city in the world, every Wednesday and Sunday I treat myself to rewards and enjoy the city of London.
Get a separate diary, only for social events and plan 2-3 in advance so that you always have something booked.
London is one of the most expensive cities in the world however, you can be creative on a budget. Check out list the best free things to do in London
Also, check out my upcoming FREE LONDON event on Monday 17th Feb
It took me a while to understand has great benefits your mental health. The simple answer to this the release of endorphins. Endorphins are a type of neurotransmitter or chemical messenger to relieve pain and stress.
Check out these famous quotes on fitness and well-being
Bonus - Exercise
Mental Health Awareness Week UK
18-24 May 2020
Mental Illness Awareness Week US
Sunday, 4 Oct - 10 Oct 2020
30 March 2020
10 Oct 2020
If you begin to feel unwell
Visit your local GP, using this search link, https://www.nhs.uk/Service-Search/GP/LocationSearch/4 if you need non-urgent help with a mental health problem.
In a medical emergency Please phone the Emergency Services number on 999.
Contact your local Samaritans on 116 123 https://www.samaritans.org/ if you'd like to talk to someone in your If you are feeling distressed or are concerned about someone else Samaritans provide confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day
Bella says;
Some Useful Mental Health;
Mental Health Foundation - https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/
020 7803 1101
Improving the lives of those with mental health problems or learning difficulties.
SANE - http://www.sane.org.uk/
National, out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. The helpline is open every day of the year from 6pm to 11pm. The helpline can be reached on 0300 304 7000.
Mind - https://www.mind.org.uk/
Support across a range of mental health conditions. The line is open from 9am-6pm on 0300 123 3393
Rethink Mental Illness - https://www.rethink.org/
Advice and support to those experiencing severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, and to their carers and relatives on 0300 5000 927.
Together - https://www.together-uk.org/
020 7780 7300
Supports people through mental health services.
Anxiety UK - https://www.anxietyuk.org.uk/
08444 775 774
Works to relieve and support those living with anxiety disorders by providing information, support and understanding via an extensive range of services, including 1:1 therapy.
Young Minds - https://youngminds.org.uk/
020 7336 8445
Provides information and advice for anyone with concerns about the mental health of a child or young person.
PANDAS Foundation - http://www.pandasfoundation.org.uk/
0843 28 98 401 (every day from 9am-8pm)
PANDAS Foundation vision is to support every individual with pre (antenatal), postnatal depression or postnatal psychosis in England, Wales and Scotland. We campaign to raise awareness and remove the stigma. We provide our PANDAS Help Line, Support Groups offer online advice to all and much more.
Elefriends - https://www.elefriends.org.uk/
A community support forum hosted by the charity Mind, where individuals can talk about any aspect of their mental health.
The Mix - https://www.themix.org.uk/mental-health
Open forums for under-25s to discuss mental health and other topics.
Bipolar UK community - https://www.bipolaruk.org/ecommunity
A support forum for everyone affected by bipolar disorder.
The Centre for Mental Health - https://www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/
020 7827 8300
Working to improve the quality of life for people with mental health problems.
BACP Find a Therapist Directory - https://www.bacp.co.uk/search/Therapists
01455 883300
Through the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) you can find out more about counselling services in your area.
The City Mental Health Alliance http://citymha.org.uk/
The City Mental Health Alliance is a membership organisation that works with senior leaders in large businesses
The City of London - https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/services/health-and-wellbeing/Pages/mental-health.aspx
Citizens Advice - https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/
Gives free confidential information and advice to help people sort out their money, legal, consumer and other problems. Support for children and young people.
The MQ Foundation (MQF) was established in January 2018 to raise funds in the United States for mental health research.
Childline - https://www.childline.org.uk/
0800 1111
Free, national helpline for children and young people in trouble or danger.
Nightline - https://www.nightline.ac.uk/
Listening, support and information service run by students for students.
Other places you could go for support
Age Concern - https://www.ageuk.org.uk/
0800 009966
Infoline on issues relating to older people.
Lesbian and Gay Switchboard - https://switchboard.lgbt/
020 7837 7324
Provides information, support and referral services.
Refugee Council - https://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/
020 7346 6700
The UK’s largest organisation working with refugees and asylum seekers.
Relate - https://www.relate.org.uk/
0300 100 1234
Offers advice, relationship counselling, sex therapy, workshops, mediation, consultations and support.
Education Support Partnership - https://www.educationsupport.org.uk/
08000 562 561
A 24/7 telephone support line which gives teachers access to professional coaches and counsellors 365 days a year. The network also campaigns for change within schools and education policy in order to improve the wellbeing, mental and physical health of teachers.
Carers organisations - https://www.carersuk.org/Home
Carers UK
Carers UK is the voice of carers. It improves their lives by providing information, advice, support and by campaigning for change