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Black Mental Health Awareness

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Wellness Masterclass Session

Join us on 28th September, 2020 at 6:30pm

Save date 12 July
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Need mental health support?

If you're concerned about yourself or a loved one, click here to see list of

useful Mental Health Websites.

How do you manage your wellbeing and mental health to overcome stressful challenges running a business?

Reading, playing favourite games, sports, trying new things.

I have a schedule I always have something to look forward. These things mentally feed my goals and ambitions.

What would you like more people to know about your industry that they might not be aware of?


There's little research being carried out to understand the contextual factors which shape our community.


More studies/research needs to be done to best support positive health behaviours.

What do you have coming up for the rest of the year?


I'm working on second book



Personalised food styling for
product development 


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Why do you think mental health awareness and education is important?

​​It's important because you have a mind and it speaks.

Everybody goes through things.

Mental health is part of life to constantly build a resilience to keep are minds fit and healthy, it helps to be able to spot the differences in your own mental health and motivation to seek help for yourself.

Why do you think black mental health stigma exists? 

We have normative beliefs about other people's approval for one's behaviour also self-representation is something people want to hold onto especially how you define yourself in the context of others.

I think stigma mainly lies in how black mental health is perceived in the community.


These things, I feel influence the existence of the stigma.​

What can we do in our community to change the cultural views of the black mental health stigma?

Having more sensitivity to people's issues.


Sending a message that you will be listened to and understood and the interventions are salient to your needs.

Share your two self-care activities​?

Helping others 

Reading a good book ​​

What is a Food Stylist?

I design the food/recipes.

It's pretty simple, think

of hairstylist or wardrobe stylist.

What was the inspiration to write your book; The Healthy Caribbean Cookbook​?

The inspiration was mainly through a study called ATTITUDE 

participated in.


My book is designed to influence lifestyle changes in our community particularly to support those living with type two diabetes which is prevalent in the black community.

Meet our Event Sponsor:
Food Stylist, Author Mellie. K.


She shares her inspiration to launch her brand new book.

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Buy on Amazon here.

Mellie. K. Website:


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Created by
a black woman
for black people

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Meet the founder|Bella Rareworld

A woman has shared her harrowing experience of dealing
with mental health while balancing her working life in business.

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BLACK Mental Health Events

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Useful Mental Health Websites